bobo Posse Spotlight- Sharon of Style Lullaby

bobo Posse Spotlight- Sharon of Style Lullaby

Full disclosure- Today’s featured bobo Posse Spotlight is someone who is related to me, but that’s not why she’s featured today. She is being featured because she is a beacon of beauty, an independent powerhouse, and has inspired myself and others to take risks, follow our heart and to do what makes us happy, even if that means going down the less charted path to find success.

This young lady is Sharon Wu of Style Lullaby.

Sharon founded the blog Style Lullaby in 2014 and in a very short time has grown her reach to over 10k unique viewers a month and has an insane following of over 400k followers on Instagram. YES... I said FOUR HUNDREDTHOUSAND! I can barely count to 40 without getting bored or losing track of what I’m doing, let alone grow my audience to 400,000.

Style Lullaby started out as a place where she discussed her favorite fashion trends. I always joke that she is the "cousin with the good genes," so whatever fashion tips she had, I was clinging to them like it was the gospel because Lord knows I needed all the help I could get!

Fast forward to today, her site, and her Instagram feed are a premier fashion and lifestyle destination featuring the most beautiful, original content I’ve seen. She is also OBSESSED with her animals, and you’ll see her feature her mini zoo in her posts and photos. Her work is shot by her boyfriend, partner, and talented photographer, David Potter. They recently relocated to Palm Springs, and you can see some of this gorgeous California backdrop infused into all her photos.

But the thing I admire most about Sharon is that she isn’t just my little cousin who is pretty, can take good photos, and writes a blog. She’s an empowered and independent individual who has taken some big risks in her life to carve a path for herself. Coming from an Asian family, it’s not an easy journey to become an artist or a blogger, especially so when our siblings are successful doctors or engineers (which also happens to be the path most dreamed of by immigrant parents for their children). Telling your Asian parents “I want to be a blogger” will most likely be met with some hesitation, opposition, and confusion. But this little bundle of good hair and skin still went out there and did it. She found a way to make freelancing lucrative for her and has created a beautiful catalog of photos along the way to document her journey to success. And she is still so incredibly young; I can’t even begin to imagine where she’ll be in two years (don’t forget us little people along the way Sharon!)  

Be sure to follow her on Instagram @stylelullaby and check out her site Style Lullaby. She’s got so many great articles on her blog, but if anything else, just swoon over all her photos! (pssst. I also made her logo! #shamelessplug)



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