What is the Wanderlust Passport?

What is the Wanderlust Passport?

What is the Wanderlust Passport?

The bobo design studio Wanderlust Passport is THE FIRST journal designed specifically for travelers to help them document their adventures.

Not just a journal or a notebook. Not a workbook filled with questions about travel that don’t align with the trip you planned. Not a scrapbook. My passport is carefully designed to help you properly document all the parts of your travels and adventures you want to remember.

Whether you are an extreme outdoors adventurer camping in a remote secret spot in BLM land, a couple going on their honeymoon, or packing the kids up for a family trip to Disneyland, this book is created to help you chronicle your adventures in a meaningful way. I like to think of my passport as a living heirloom full of incredible memories.


When I started sharing pictures of my personal sketchbooks from the places I had visited, I had so many questions and so much interest from people wishing they had documented more of their trips. They would tell me how they wished they could look back at older memories the way I was able to.

Never Forget a Good Memory Ever Again.

Tell me if any of these sound familiar.
  • Save all sorts of PTO and money for a vacation
  • Go on said vacation and have what can only be described as the time of your life. So many firsts, so many unique memories, so many laughs, so many conversations you wish you could remember forever.  
  • Take hundreds of photos on your phone and camera.
  • Get home and spend the next foreseeable time anxious about going back into the office that you almost lose all post vacation bliss.
  • Go into office and when someone asks “how was your vacation?” You blankly stare at them because you can’t even remember what you did.
  • Proceed to never look back at any of the photos you took.

See this image of me? Hover over the image.... That first 1st Angie? She is glowing in the post vacation bliss. But 2nd Angie? She can't actually remember a damn thing she did...

I know what you're thinking. "but I'm not artistic. I can't make my book look like your book" Well guess what?

You don’t have to be a scrapbooker, or an artist, or a hand letterer to use the passport.

Life's moments are fleeting. And the ones you make on your trips and vacation are the ones worth properly capturing. All you need is 5 min and a pencil. Jot down where you stayed. The excursions you went on. Maybe what you paid for an activity. I can’t tell you how many times someone has asked me for a recommendation and I was able to give them a tour company, or the name of a local bar in a remote part of town, all by flipping back in my passport.

Creating this book is my gift to those adventurous souls who want to better remember the places they have been, the experiences they have gone through, and the funny moments that slip away in the blink of an eye.


How do you document travel? Do you have trips that you've been on that you wish you had better tracked? Share your story and thoughts in the comments! And be sure to grab your Wanderlust Passport before your next big summer trip!

And don't forget to sign up to be a part of my #boboposse where you get fun goodies and alerts of new product sent directly to your inbox!


Hugs and High Fives!

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