Chalk Lettering Workshop Resource Guide

I have a list of tried and trusted tools that I use, many of which we used in class!  I have included links below. Please note that in full transparency, these are affiliate links, however, I personally use all these products because they are the

chalk lettering workshop resource guide


  • Crayola Chalk- I don't like using the "dustless" chalk. Just the plain old Chalk is good!
  • Crayola Color Chalk - These pigments are fantastic and in a really versatile assortment...and yes, there is black chalk!
  • Microfiber Cloth (this is a 50 pack.... can't ever have too many of these around the house!)
  • Q-Tips
  • Chalkboards -The boards we used in class are MDF from Lowes +Home Depot with chalk paint on them. If you want to make your own using MDF, or if you need to resurface your chalkboard, I prefer Valspar Chalk Paint (tintable). 

    If you plan on purchasing a ready-made board, I like Versa Chalk Brand because it works with chalk as well as chalk markers and the ink actually comes off.