"Angie is like a mad scientist of creativity. Ask her about anything you’re working on and she’s able to slide right into the deep end of the pool with you and generate a zillion ideas that are so helpful you’d think she might have actually been a fly on your wall just waiting for you to ask for help."
- Jen Artz, Founder & Chief Troublemaker at Try Studio
I have previously shared my desire and my mission behind teaching workshops as a way to stay inspired and motivated by the arts. Once I quit my high demand ad sales career and making cool art became my full time gig, I knew burnout was inevitable. I wanted to develop a passion project to keep me excited and inspired in creating everyday. Thus the workshops were born.
You can read more about my chalk lettering workshops on my blog post:
Chalk Lettering for Beginners
Now rewind to April of 2017. I had the pleasure of meeting Jen Artz, the founder of Try Studio, at the maker's conference
Craftcation in Ventura. What started out as an initial networking connection, developed into a deep bond over the DIY community, creative business ideas, iPad Pro’s, NPR programming, and baskets of salty taqueria chips.
I have teamed up with her to extend some of my chalk lettering workshops and classes through Try Studio. Jen did the most amazing write up of me that makes me feel so incredibly honored and thrilled to be included. I hope you check it out! You can read the full article here:
What is try studio?
If you are looking to pick up a new skill, or perhaps you want to have some personalized tutorials and workshops in a more intimate setting, I HIGHLY encourage you to check out Try Studio. Not only does she have her new Labs that she launched (pssst, that's where you'll find me!), which are small workshops, but she also pairs you with specialists that meet your needs.
Going on a trip and you want to know how to use your own DSLR, but don't want to take a class? You can find an instructor here!
Want to make a cool project, but not sure where to start? You can find tons of cool projects and instructors here!
Want to learn a new skill but actually make a project that you can take home and use? These courses and instructors are here to completely personalize your experience.
If you love the DIY space, or enjoy learning new skills, this is definitely the site for you to check out. If you are a skilled artist and you're intersted in teaching, be sure to check it out and connect with Jen! She is working with teachers all across the nation!
Hugs & High Fives!